Job felt isolated in his time of trial.  His children were gone.  His wife was a discouragement.  His friends were patronizing.  On top of all of that, Job couldn’t find God.

This was an unaccustomed predicament. Job had a great relationship with God, but in Job’s darkest hour, he could not locate God.  Looking ahead, behind, left, and right did not improve Job’s perceived lack of proximity near God.

Fortunately, Job had a walk of faith.  Through all the discouragement, Job was certain in his heart that even though Job did not know where he could find God, God knew exactly where Job was.

In fact, the omnipresent God was with Job all the time.  It was Job’s perception that made it seem God was nowhere to be found.  I have been there, Brother Job.

I have experienced seasons in my life where I could not feel a thing regarding the Presence of God.  For a Pentecostal, that is a troubling predicament.

One night on an emergency room pseudo-bed I cried out in my heart, “Where are you, God?”  I had been through an extended dry spell and was desperate for reassurance from the Presence of God.

“I am here,” I heard God reply.  He had been there all the time.  I had a lesson I needed to learn about walking by faith, not by sight.  He never left or forsook me.

Upon hearing the reassuringly clear voice of God in my heart, I have never again asked Him that question.  Peace settled over me like a tangible flow of warm oil.  He healed my thirsty soul and my stricken body all at the same time.  God knew exactly where I was all the time.

Oh Child of God!  If you are in a barren valley and you seem to be all alone, never forget that He holds you right in the palm of His Hand.  You are cradled close to the Heart of God, regardless of your feelings or emotions.

I think of a song beautifully performed by The Dunaways.  Listen to this beautiful song and know that God watches over you more carefully than a protective mother over her baby.

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